The Presentation of the Lord
This weekend we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord, also called 'Candlemas,' commemorating the day on which the infant Jesus was presented in the Temple, in accordance with the Law of Moses. On that day 2025 years ago, the holy man Simeon took the infant in his arms and proclaimed that Jesus is the "light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel." Since ancient times, the Church has gathered on this Feast with lighted candles, a reminder of the Light of Christ that has been given to us through our Baptism and continues to be given to us each week in the Eucharist.
This weekend, before all Masses, candles will be available for each family to take and hold during a special blessing at the beginning of the Mass. After Mass, take the candles home and light them in your prayer corner or as a centerpiece on your table, and remember that Christ is the Light of the World, and that he gives that light to you.
The Memorial of Saint Blaise
On Monday, February 3rd, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Blaise, bishop and martyr. One of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, Saint Blaise was a bishop of Sebastea in modern-day Turkey, and has been associated with healing ailments of the throat since at least the year 500. Since that time, a special blessing of throats has traditionally been given on his feast day.
Here at St. Mary, the blessing of throats will be given after our daily Masses at 6:30am and 8:15am. This ensures that all of our parishioners can still make it to work on time if necessary.