Adoration Chapel
Please note that due to the cold snap this weekend that the Blessed Sacrament will be reposed after the 8:15 Mass Saturday, January 18th and will be exposed after the 8:15 Mass on Tuesday, January 21st. The chapel will remain open for anyone who wishes to come pray.
Thank you for your understanding and please stay safe and warm!
Monday, Jan. 20th, 2025
Please note that the Parish Office will be closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day and will re-open Tuesday the 21st at 8:15 am.
There will only be one Mass on Monday the 20th at 8:15 am.
Now Hiring!
St Mary Catholic Virtue School
Preschool Director
This position will serve as the Director of the St. Mary Preschool. The director will manage all aspects of the preschool program, including academic, enrollment, and financial matters. The director is hired by and directly accountable to the school principal. The director is expected to abide by the policies and procedures of the local school, the Archdiocese of Denver, and the Office of Catholic Schools. The director cooperates with the principal and staff in providing an environment that promotes the ministry of Catholic education.
School Bookkeeper
The School Bookkeeper provides financial information regarding the School to the Principal. This position monitors financial activities and provides information that may be requested by the Principal. Processes payables and deposits.